Nissan GTR a.k.a R35, The legend is here. This is my first modeling car. Can't afford to buy the real one, just collect these syoik-syoik sendiri hahaha.. When i first saw this at Guan Hock Lee, i was so excited
But... after chit-chat with Eric, he told me that besides Tamiya, there are actually some other brands that also have this model. Fujimi, Aoshima, Ebbro... Arrhhh!! didn't do my research well... anyway, I just stick with Tamiya.. Eric, thanks for the info ;)
Taiko D, do you see anything behind the GTR box? hehe..

Some mini size, two of them are bought from CH. i guess i will skip the transformer one.

I like the small one ^_^

B$0.10 vs GTR(Choro Q) vs Guitar pick vs GTR(R/C)?

Epilogue: Thanks to my GF, she bought this for my Christmas present. Well, still thinking wanna invest air brush or not.. sigh.. headache