At first, i'm not really want to resume assemble this GHD Skygasper. After long consider, might as well finish it.
Ok. Let's begin!!
Ok. Let's begin!!

Starting with Skygasper.

Ok done. GHD Skygasper = =

The fallen of Strike? Was trying to posing, end up the hand and leg falling = =... make me really want to crash him XD

Now continue the back pack of Strike.

As you know the GHD parts some not really clip well, using Tamiya Cement to make it permanent clip.

what a cool stuff dude!
It MODEL GD? whether in your area that sell gundam there was?? if there is at what price in U.S. dollars? Can you find a brand gundam MODEL GD for me?
Hi Fajaradhies Sunarno,
Sorry for late reply, was busy at work lately.
Regarding my Model GD is cost around USD$70. As it's come with Skygasper, and the white runner is semi transparent. You can refer previous post ;)
One of my friend Tagashie get his Model GD Strike around USD$30.
After you reading his post, i strongly suggest get the original Bandai, as know Model GD is fake brand, and it will waste your money and time too.
oh, really ...
whether the materials are in use less good? what if in comparison with TT HONGLI brand? whether it's better or worse?
Bandai's best, but the price is very high, about USD $ 200 in my country, and for me, money that much more to this hobby ...
I think it's better to buy a cheaper, though not original. I think the price is very cheap ... less than half the price of Bandai. it was my opinion
oh yes, by the way what country you from? Brunei or where?
I'm from Indonesia, I'm sorry if my blog all the Indonesian language ..
Hi Fajaradhies Sunarno,
Yup, the materials less good, most of the runners you need to fine tune then just can clip-on, and very loss on the joints too, the parts keeps falling all the time.. So not really posable. Once again DO NOT GET Model GD, Trust me.
If compare with TT Hong Li, TT Hong Li much more better the Model GD, that's what i heard from my friends, but i didn't try any of TT Hong Li gundam haha.. Your place got selling TT Hong Li brand?
For my opinion, if you are Gunpla lover, MUST collect at least 1 original Perfect Grade. 1 PG enought already, unless you out of control hahaha.. i know it's quite hard, meaning you have to skip buying maybe 6+ boxes MG or 12+ HG. Trust me, after you getting it, you won't regret.
I'm from Malaysia, currently working in Brunei. Nice to meet you ;) by the way, i'm Canon user also hehe.. like the way you taking photos ;)
I'm ok with the Indonesian language, if anything i'm not understand i just ask you haha.. or else i just go haha.. Mind to tell are you still student or working already?
jojosochi's hello, how are you?'ve commented each other very long.
do you still take pictures and collect gunpla?
I now very rarely buy because of the need to banyak.hehehe gunpla :P
greetings from Indonesia ..
Hello Fajaradhies Sunarno, I'm fine, how about you? ya, it's been a long time :) Ya still collecting gundam, but didn't have time assemble haha.. photography so far so good, cause buy too much toys, didn't have spare money to upgrade camera gear haha..
i'm fine too
almost 1 years ya?hehe
oh,your collection must have been very much...did not have time to assemble...maybe because you are too much to buy gundam, so there's no time to another hobby. I can accommodate most of your collection if you do not mind ... haha :D just kidd...
sorry, my english still not good even after one year :hammer
What is now being busy?
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