Last night having a great time at Go Fi6ure! It's FX Lightsaber Holder Gathering. Arrive there about 6pm+, when i walk all the way to the mall and holding my FX Lightsaber (Obi-Wan Kenobi), i notice many people look at me, heard some kids say "Wao! Lightsaber! daddy I WANT" Man.. i feel shy XD haha..
After Mike (Go Fi6ure! owner) arrive, we having some drinks at West Street Cafe, share and exchange the Art of Lightsaber. After Darth Vader appear, we all stand aside.. T_T The dark force is strong.
Picture from ScarySoul.

Lightsaber holders.

Playing with the Lightsaber. Mike is holding his MR Yoda Lightsaber damage ver. haha..

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