I didn't plan on watching any movies during my vacation in Singapore. However, the massive amount of adverts on the movie "Resident Evil: After Life in 3D" kind of changed my mind. Since we had the time and the cinemas in Brunei doesn't have the 3D equipment yet, we decided to try it. However, since the movie was only to be released close to my departure date, we watched another movie instead.
We chose the movie that was currently playing which was Avatar Special Edition. What was special was that it had some extended scenes which was never seen before in the original film.

After watching the movie, I think I prefer this Special Edition version as those additional scenes explained the story better. If you remember the part where Jack Sully made some animals mad, there is an additional scene regarding the school.
In terms of the "3D" experience (wearing 3D glasses), I prefer the non-3D version. I didn't really feel that there was any difference. In fact, sometimes the motion was too fast that it's hard to catch and I feel like it spoils the movie. Another minus is that my eyes feel very tired after watching it. Maybe I haven't got used to it. Well, hopefully the cinemas in Brunei are ordering the 3D equipment soon. I won't mind to try it again. Edited by Sylvia.
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