"Patience. Use the force. Think." - Obi-Wan.
This is my first costume, so i gonna do an interview to myself.. haha..
Q: Why that character?
JJ: Actually i'm been thinking quite a long time to decide and make this costume, there is few characters in my mind, eg. Ultraman, Stromtrooper, Son Goku, SWAT.. (i think that's all). Why i choose Jedi, it's because the material issue, and i'm in love with the Hasbro Ligthsaber, so i pick Jedi as my cosplay. Oh, by the way i'm cosplaying Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Q: Have you ever dreamt of going to the San Diego Comic-Con?
JJ: YES! If there is a chance. I'm also interested on Japan Anime Expo.
Q: What are your favorites characters to make cosplay costumes for?
JJ: Mm.. Ultraman? haha.. Stormtrooper is my second choice.
Q: If someone were to have a cosplay party in town, would you attend?
JJ: If i'm invited, sure yes ;)
Q: Do you create the accessories as well or are those store bought and redecorated?
JJ: For the ligthsaber i just bought from a toy shop, i'm still looking vegan wedge boots. It's hard to find, cause normally is for girls.. haha..
Q: How much do you spend on costume?
JJ: Costume B$200, Lightsaber B$200.

Without rope.

Special thanks to my dressmaker Esther. I guess this will be my first and last costume. It's quite hot actually.. i really really salute those folks who cosplaying Stromtrooper. Good job guys!