I'm using Tamiya acrylic paint X-5 Green for the GN-Drive. At first i didn't know Tamiya paint have 2 type, Grossy and Flat surface. If you see on the lable "X" mean grossy surface type, "XF" mean flat surface type, eg. X-5 Green(grossy) and XF-3 Flat yellow(flat).
One thing i worry about, if after apply Flat top coat, all the grossy become flat... T_T it's time to use masking tap..
One thing i worry about, if after apply Flat top coat, all the grossy become flat... T_T it's time to use masking tap..

After applying X-5, looks cool right?

Next is XF-3 Flat yellow.

If you look closer, the yellow paint a bit 'come out' will do the touch up after it's dry.

Going to apply XF-7 Flat Red. Want to make all my 00 gundams to Trans-Am mode.

Actually i have make a big mistake.. When Trans-Am mode, all the GN things become Black not green.. haha... XS

As you told use before, FG is really good to hone painting skill I guess.
Everything need to be painted to be a good kit.
But your work is really good here.
Yup, that is the reason i choose FG, and it's quite cheap. Most of the HG parts already painted. If you talking about airbrush, that's difference story lah haha..
After i collect them, i notice this one:
When combine the boxes, it's appear Ptolemaios.
Actually i'm more into BB Gundam, except the dynasty warrior series. if you ask me to assemble PG or BB, i will do the PG first. Cause i want my BB to be perfect, haha very strange right?
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